Monday, 25 July 2011

SEO Updates: Google New Products in 2011 - Inside Search

Google New Products in 2011 - Inside Search
Google has launched three new features in recent event at San Francisco on June 14th 2011. Following are three new features. This event is officially named as “Google InsideSearch”. 
        1. Voice Search
        2. Instant Pages
        3. Search by Image

Google has announced voice Search for desktop computers. At present Google users are typing keywords to get the relevant information on search results. Now users can speak words so that Google will understand the word and display relevant search results. According to the survey, Google is able to recognize 80% of the words and displaying relevant results.

This is another great feature which will improve the visitor usability a lot. Usually 40% of the Google visitors will click on the 1st link, so it will take little time to load respective site and visitors have to wait. With new feature “Instant Pages”, visitor will able to see the site instantly. Reason behind this is technique is Google will load it already in the backend and displays it instantly when user clicks it.

Initially people used to search images by name and getting relevant images. Search engines inserted few other features for user convenience.  One feature i.e. “Search similar images” that we always use this feature to find out the right image with desired quality and size. Now Google went a step forward and made an awesome feature live. Visitors can drop image file on Google search bar, so that it will display all similar images with different resolutions and sizes.  This feature would be helpful in finding out your personal images at other public places posted by someone else.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Google's 'What Do You Love?' -

Google has launched a new website, that presents the results of searches across 20 different Google products on one page.

It is a new search engine, which presents a diverse set of information about any topic that a person is interested features a simple gray page asking at-top "What do you love?" with a search bar to the side, the Los Angeles Times reports Once a user enters a search query, the site presents its results in 20 widgets containing many of Google's different types of searches, such as news, blogs, YouTube and Picasa photos.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Digital Marketing - Right Choice for a Career

Ever been tempted to click that attractive advertisement while browsing your favourite websites? Welcome to the world of digital marketing, which has managed to take marketing to a global audience with its novel and interactive features. Not surprisingly, it has become one of the most promising career choices.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Career In Internet Marketing, SEO, WEB Marketing, Internet Marketing

Career in Internet Marketing

Are You Looking For A Career Change?

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Anyone can become a SEO Specialist with proper SEO training

Call 9940455703

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Internet Marketing, Web Marketing Training in Chennai

OpenSoft brings you a 2 days workshop on "INTERNET MARKETING"

Web Marketing Workshop Objectives

To understand the essential concepts of how search engines functions and rank the web pages. By using these SEO concepts how to promote our product / service and reach our targeted audience and get more visitor’s to our website.

Who Should Attend the Workshop

The Internet Marketing Workshop is customized to upgrade the skill set and knowledge of the marketing professionals including marketing directors, marketing managers and corporate communication executives, and web specialists, webmasters and web developers, Business developers as well as person who wishes to travel in Internet Marketing domain.

Call for more details 9940455703

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